Hola guys!!! Good to see you here.. We all are stuck in our busy life, some of you might not even get time to read the blog completely for you guys I will sum up everything in end(you can refer to context) ๐ฅ
We all have those kind of days wherein we are super focused and ready to face toughest of challenges that come to us but at the same time they are days where you don't even feel like doing basic of things. On those good days we don't need any advice we are just up to our work but to make such productive day we need to get our frame of mind in that mode. Here are few tips which I have experienced and would love to share.
Setting up your priority
To have productive year, we need a productive month, for a month we need week for a week we need to make the day and for the day we need use our time properly. To utilize our time we need to priorities our work and to accomplish that we need to do all the required things for that task to be completed. Setting up of priorities helps us to get a clear idea about our day. As at the end it's about going one step closer towards your goal.
Having that right mind set
Sometimes we willingly or unwillingly talk rude to our mom or dad at the very beginning of the day which eventually leads to a negative state of mind. Which further pulls them down from being a better parent at home or a better person at there workplace. So as they might get angry at you for some reason and yell at you back. Which leads to pulling you down to a bad mindset at the beginning of the day.
So to have that right mindset and to maintain your composer it's better to be in a neutal state then you being in that bad state and pulling others down too. So guys to make a day best start from the very beginning with a proper mindset so that we don't lose our ambition to miss out the day.
Having like minded people around you
Having right peers in college can make a major difference around you and your productivity level as they suck your energy. Yeah, I know it's not the case with everybody some of you may argue that Kamal tho Kichaad mai hi khilta hai.(lotus blossoms in dirt).
But guys it's not true for everyone and it might not work for everyone so it's gooduk to have right peers among you. Now for example I am programming since past one year but was never consistent in my journey till now, but since past two months I and my friends have taken up a challenge of #100daysofcode where in we have to read or code for atleast 10 mins in any language. These kind of challenges among peers helps us to grow among ourselves and learn in a much better way with better understanding of others perspective. So, if you are a college student aor anyone who is currently learning something then I would suggest you to learn in pair as it helps in your consistency.
Feeding the right wolf
If you are GOT(Game of Thorns) fan then you might have heard Aria stark saying "feeding the right wolf" . Let me explain you the concept,we all have two wolves in our subconscious mind the good one and bad one but to have your desired output you have to feed the one which is beneficial for you. This will feel you at your subconscious levels as we humans are getting away from understanding the spiritual thoughts which help in building our metal support system. Which eventually leads to making of your right mindset.
Hey busy guys this is for you.. So to sum up everything to have your maximum productivity the first and foremost thing is to set your priority so that you are clear with your goal and the things which you need to have achieved them. After setting up your priority now it's important to get into right mindset and having that feel of the day. After that have the people with same goals around you so that you can always stay consistent with different approach to the same problem. At last it's all about getting the right feed to your my by choosing the right and wiser wolf.
At last, it's always important to move forward without thinking about the past and worrying about the future. Just do your things in present and let time do the rest
If you are still here than thank you and would love to hear your reviews about the blog and do follow me on hashnode for more blog's.
Singing off